The dreaded time has come, my son’s daycare has been sending countless pieces of artwork home. The excitement Noah shares when he describes the artwork is comical to me. Many times I think to myself… “sure, okay, got it- yup most certainly looks just like that!”

However, what no one prepares you for is the mass amount of guilt you feel as a parent when those pieces of artwork end up in trash.

I found myself becoming secretive about it. I would throw them out at nighttime when he wouldn’t see. The adrenaline rush was like no other… just kidding!

In all honestly, no one can be expected to keep every single thing…. Right? Is it appropriate to store the artwork in bins away hidden somewhere? Or more appropriate to throw them out? One will never know! BUT, what I did find was a happy medium.

As the stylish home décor mom that I am… and in reality lack there of, I found cute frames online that are tasteful and simple. I provided a link below!

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